D800 or D800e?

It is being a question for us since the rumor for D800(e) came out. Along with more and more specialists analyzing the difference between them, it is now not a question for me. I have pre-ordered D800e. The reasons are:

Sharper than ever.
No matter who is specializing at portraits or landscapes, when enlarging pictures till 100%, he or she always wish they are sharper. Although he can deal with them in Photoshop or other softwares, they look better as original.

Occurs when repeating patterns exist like clothes. As I know, for D800e, Nikon doesn't cancel the lower-pass filter. It still works as possibly as it can reduce effects of morié. That is why sample pictures from D800E look better than some Middle-format cameras. As everyone konws, most of middle-format cameras have no low-pass filter at all. Even if it happens when shotting portraits, in Capture NX2 it can be eliminated easily or reduce its effect as possible. In most cases it wouldn't occur at all, quality control is better than ever.

D800 is $3149.99 CAD and D800e is $3449.99 CAD in Lozeau.
If the lower-pass filter is moved, it will have the same problem as Middle-format cameras. Nikon keeps it and just reduce its effect. This patent deserves the $300 difference.

So which one to get. For me, It is D800e!

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