First Photos For A WorkShop

I get one order to take photos for a little enterprise in a workshop: Some pictures taken while she is polishing marbles will be used to show her students or clients how these marbles are processed. She has a big workshop and a little dark. I bring 4 flashlights: two SB900, two SB800 and SU800. On the left , I put one umbrella installed two SB900 with 1/2 CTO. On the right, using a tube of bounding light (SB800) to the area of the desk where she is working. in the back one SB800 with blue gel lighting the background. I would like these pictures to demonstrate a little atmosphere in laboratory, I adjust the web balance to 2000k.Everything looks blue, just the person working seems like normal. Majority of these photos are trigged by SU800 at 1/320, f11.

Wish you like them!

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