Wireless Speed Light Practice With Nikon

Two years ago I began to study how wireless speed lights are working with my Nikon speed system. I learned a lot from Joe Mcnally. Nikon CLS system is amazing. It can help you get a great picture you want in plain light. But for me, I usually try something different. I like using M mode with Nikon SB series. Here is a picture of light setting:

I took many pictures for my little daughter in different ways. The first most important thing is that I should know how much lighting is enough to get right exposure. I have tried many times and got my own experience. Nikon D300s, if wanna get one picture accurately exposed, for one light, one meter from the subject, my SB900 or SB800 should be setting Manual 1/2 power, and my camera setting is ISO 200 at F11, shutter speed varying from 1/200 to 1/320, depending on sync speed. This time I am using Nikon 85/1.4D for blurring the background at F1.6, so I have to adjust the power of SB light to 1/32. The fill light is half power of the main light. I triggered with SU 800.I would like change the color of the background with a green and orange gel separately.
Here are pictures at the same time:

if you have a good advice, write to me guorichard@gmail.com.
More pictures: http://www.flickr.com/photos/richardguophoto/
Video: http://www.youtube.com/user/PhotoGuoRichard?feature=mhum

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